Reflective Listening

active listening in difficult conversations

Building Bridges: The Art of Active Listening in Challenging Conversations

Master active listening in difficult conversations. Build bridges through empathy and understanding. Enhance your communication skills now!

Building Bridges: The Art of Active Listening in Challenging Conversations Read More »

effective communication in difficult conversations

From Conflict to Connection: The Art of Effective Communication in Difficult Conversations

Master effective communication in difficult conversations. Listen, understand, and connect for stronger professional relationships.

From Conflict to Connection: The Art of Effective Communication in Difficult Conversations Read More »

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Stuck in a rut? Why you should try Motivational Interviewing with a counsellor

If you’re like me, you will have at some point in your life felt a debilitating blocker to achieving something that was entirely in your head. When I have experienced this, there was nothing stopping me progressing towards my goals other than my own feelings about it. I called it a mental block. But I realise

Stuck in a rut? Why you should try Motivational Interviewing with a counsellor Read More »

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