
kids tech

Limit Screen Time of Your Kids (Without it Feeling Like a Punishment)

As parents, we know it’s a problem, trying to limit screen time can feel like you’re being the bad guy, especially when screens are such a big part of life.

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Why Leadership is a Brutal, Lonely Place

Why Leadership is a Brutal, Lonely Place

If you’re stepping into a leadership role, you need to be prepared to give up a part of yourself. Leadership requires more than just strategy and skill.

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6 Favors You Should Start Doing for Your Kids Right Now!

You have a responsibility to help your child grow into a responsible, empathetic, and functional adult. Sure, being friends with your kid feels great, but you’re not their friend; you’re something more – a parent. This is why you need to stop prioritizing decisions that will make them like you more in the short term

6 Favors You Should Start Doing for Your Kids Right Now! Read More »