
Buying your first home

First-Time Home Buyer’s Checklist: Financial Planning and Unexpected Costs

Buying your first home is an exciting milestone, but it also comes with a variety of financial commitments that first-time buyers may not fully anticipate. Beyond the sticker price, several hidden costs can sneak up and create unexpected strain if you’re not properly prepared. Whether you’re just starting your search or already saving for your […]

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Using Investments to Get out of Debt

The average Canadian was in about $20,000 of non-mortgage debt in 2021, according to Equifax Canada. This means that the everyday spending of many Canadians is outpacing their income by a significant amount. There are all kinds of strategies for tackling debt, including various ways you can budget your earnings and other approaches for paying down

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Empowering Small Businesses: The Strategic Advantage of Co-Employment

Table of Contents:Key TakeawaysIntroduction to Co-EmploymentSmall business owners are well acquainted with managing growth while handling the intricate details of human resources. The concept of co-employment, also known as employee leasing, presents an attractive solution. By partnering with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), businesses can share employee management tasks, enabling them to focus on their

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Understanding the Basics of Cash Loans – How They Work and What You Need to Know

You need to know a few things about cash loans before deciding whether or not to take one. Understanding them helps you make better-informed financial decisions and avoid getting into a cycle of debt.The first thing to consider is if you need the money. If not, you may consider alternatives that don’t come with so

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Why Should You Manage Your Money Better?

Money management is a crucial skill for guaranteeing a secure future and building funds for long-term goals. If you constantly find yourself short on cash and unable to pay your bills, it’s most likely due to poor planning and management. Even if you have a little income, you can pay your necessary expenses if you

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How To Keep Your Business Safe In 2021

In business, it’s always going to be important for you to make sure that things are running and operating as safely and securely as possible. And this can work in a range of ways. Sure, you’ll want to make sure that everything you’ve created and built is physically safe and not at risk of being

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Managing Your Money More Effectively

Sometimes, managing your money more effectively is simply a matter of changing certain habits. Let’s take a look at some of the most common things people do to keep their finances in order.Maintain an Awareness of Your FinancesYou have to know where you are to get to where you want to go — otherwise you

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Off the Premises: Is The Conventional Workplace Dying?

In order to succeed in business, you need to have an infrastructure that drives profits while also identifying and eliminating wasteful expenditure. Of course, that doesn’t mean not spending money. Capital investment is one of the most common ways in which you can gain a leading edge over your competitors. But every expenditure needs to

Off the Premises: Is The Conventional Workplace Dying? Read More »

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Picking Yourself Up: What To Do If You Lost Your Job During COVID-19

The global pandemic has caused issues all over the world. Many of us have been confined to our homes and businesses forced to close to help us get through this crisis. Some of those businesses were already struggling financially and had to fold. Leaving lots of people without an income and out of work. If

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White Mountain Partners on How to Review Your Personal Finances

How often do you review your personal finances? If you’re like most people, your answer is Not Often Enough. Right?It’s hardly surprising. Reviewing our finances isn’t as fun as watching a movie or taking a trip to the beach. But there probably is time we could spare fo this revealing activity.How often should we do it?

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10 Tips for Starting a Small Business That You Havent Heard Already

10 Tips for Starting a Small Business That You Haven’t Heard Already

So, you decided to take the leap and start your own business. It’s a big life decision that’ll not only make you money but also make you a stronger person. You’ll hear a lot of tips from others about running a business, but you should carefully choose who to listen to. Most new business owners

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Financial Security: What You May Not Have Considered

Money is a source of near-constant stress for many people. In some cases, this is unavoidable – if you barely have room to cover all your expenses then making savings on top of that can be a big ask. However, even if you only have a little bit of financial wriggle room, there are still

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Financial Decisions For Your Business

When you start a business, you are starting a new financial journey. Depending on how you set up your business will depend on what will make an impact for you. The choices you make will make or break your bottom line. The quickest way for a company to go bust is misjudging how your cash

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How to Expertly Manage Your Money as a Freelancer

A freelance career can be unpredictable. After all, your income will depend on your clients’ needs and it might seem almost impossible to calculate your finances from month to month.However, there are actions you can perform to take a tighter grip of your finances, which can help you to enjoy a healthy bank balance and

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