
work-life balance and feeling trapped

Why Work-Life Balance is Critical in Preventing Modern Health Epidemics

In our tech-driven world, the boundaries between work and personal life have become increasingly blurred. With the rise of remote work, the proliferation of smartphones, and the expectation of constant availability, many individuals find themselves working longer hours, often at the expense of their health. This shift has led to a growing concern about the […]

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5 Autophagy Hacks You Can Try At Home

Autophagy is a vital cellular process that helps maintain overall health and can potentially promote longevity and protect against various diseases

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How to Return to Work after a Long-Term Illness

With proper planning and support, you can successfully transition back to work and regain a sense of normalcy. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to return to work after a long-term illness

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Ten Practical Tips for Longevity

Longevity, or living a long and healthy life, is a goal that many people strive for. We will explore ten practical tips for promoting longevity and enhancing your overall quality of life.

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Why it’s Super-Important to Properly Recover After Exercise

Recovery is critical for any type of exercise routine. But it’s especially true for those who do resistance training because of the intensity level involved

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The Ketogenic Lifestyle for Busy People

As a busy person, the ketogenic lifestyle may seem like something that is impossible to maintain. After all, you barely have time to stay on top of your work and family commitments – how can you possibly find the time to focus on your diet? The truth is, with a few simple adjustments, it is

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How Much is ‘Enough’ Sleep?

Sleep is an essential part of life that enables us to function at our best, but how much sleep is enough? The amount of sleep we need varies from person to person. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults aged 18-64 get 7-9 hours of sleep each night, while those over 65 should aim for 7-8

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A Good Night’s Sleep is Your Ticket to Career Success

The modern workplace is a demanding environment where long hours, tight deadlines and stressful situations are simply part of the job. It’s all too easy to forget, then, that one of the most important factors in your success is actually getting enough sleep. After all, it can be difficult to stay motivated and productive when

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The Effect of Coffee on Memory

As a coffee lover, I’ve always been interested in the potential benefits of my favorite beverage. I start my day with coffee, every morning. One question I’m often asked is, “Does coffee have an effect on memory?” This is a fascinating topic that has been studied for centuries, and recent research indicates that coffee can

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Proven Strategies for Avoiding Depression

Depression is something that affects us all, whether we’re aware of it or not. It can be caused by anything from a traumatic life event to a chemical imbalance in the brain and can manifest itself in different ways. It’s important to understand the signs of depression and how to avoid it before it takes

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How a Good Night’s Sleep Helps us Function Better at Work

Sleep is an essential part of our lives. It refreshes us, helps us to stay focused, and makes us more productive at work. But too often we don’t get enough good quality sleep due to stress, poor lifestyle choices or medical conditions. As a result, we may not be able to function effectively in the

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4 Biggest Threats to Your Productivity and How to Avoid Them

In the constant bid to become more productive, we often end up achieving exactly the opposite. Whether it’s steaming ahead without remembering to take a break, multitasking to try and get more done, or focusing too heavily on the smaller tasks, there are many things that we do in our day-to-day lives, both personally and

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Four reasons why you shouldn’t work from your bed

There is no denying it – since the 90s, working from home has become a very popular and many people choose it above office working. And I can understand it too: working in an environment more conducive to better performance (as many people find it) makes a lot of sense; why wouldn’t you if you

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How To Avoid Workplace Burnout in 2020

Busyness is an epidemic within our society. When we’re not working hard, we’re playing hard to make up for all of the time we’re spending at work. When we’re not at work, we feel guilty for not being at work, and there begins the exhausting cycle–which can only lead to a place of utter burnout. It

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