Small Business

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Are You Running A Business That Isn’t Profiting?

It’s likely that your business won’t profit for a long while. For your business to be profitable you need to think about the money you’re investing into your business, the money you’re having to spend back out, and the potential for your business to sell the products or services that it is. For the first […]

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5 Best Small Business Ideas That You Can Start During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has hit us hard. People are losing jobs and struggling all over the world. However, you can also see this as an opportunity to start doing what you’ve always dreamt of. Be your own boss. Start a small business from your home. While on one hand, traditional in-person stores are closing, but

5 Best Small Business Ideas That You Can Start During COVID-19 Read More »

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7 Things First Time Business Owners Often Don’t Consider

There are numerous resources and lots of free information out there right now, and many people are utilizing this in order to start up their very own small business. It’s almost too easy to start your own business – which is why many first time business owners don’t consider absolutely everything there is to consider

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4 Fleet Management Tips Every Small Business Needs to Know

There are a million and one reasons why a business might want to invest in a fleet of vehicles. And make no mistake, a fleet of vehicles definitely is an investment. The key to keeping your costs as low as possible and maximising your returns is to manage your fleet efficiently. Here’s what you need

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4 Tips for Becoming More Effective in Your Professional Life As Time Goes on

Whether you are an entrepreneur running your own small business, or whether you are working as an employee in a conventional job role, no one likes to imagine that they will stagnate in their professional life and be in more or less the same place they are now, five years down the line.Instead, the ideal

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Could You Make Money Developing The Next Big Health Supplement?

Whoever thought of the idea of creating protein powder is probably worth a lot of money right now. The world of health supplements is bigger than it’s ever been, with so many different supplements available for the public to buy. It’s a massive industry, but could you come up with the next big health supplement?

Could You Make Money Developing The Next Big Health Supplement? Read More »

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4 Marketing Strategies For Small Business Growth

It is one thing starting a company and quite another thing growing a company. Most people start new companies with a lot of passion, but soon lose steam when they begin struggling to keep their business going. And one of the reasons for this has to do with poor or non-existent marketing strategies for growing

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Why Every Small Business Owner Needs the Assistance of a Business Attorney

Among everything you already have to worry about as a business owner, the thought of whether or not you need a business attorney is just another factor to add to your plate of responsibilities. Ultimately, this is something you don’t necessarily want to think about, but it’s very important to consider. Business attorneys aren’t just

Why Every Small Business Owner Needs the Assistance of a Business Attorney Read More »

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3 Top Tips for Securing a Business Loan

If you have a brilliant idea for a business, have done all the market research and have a clear growth strategy, you’ll likely want to jump into it headfirst. However, there is one thing stopping you from doing that: financing. You need to be able to fund your brilliant idea, and one of the most

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5 Crucial Steps You Need to Take for Your Startup

Starting a business can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience, no matter how confidently you may be diving into the startup world. With so much constantly on your plate, it’s only natural to feel a bit overwhelmed. You want to make sure you’re doing everything in your power to turn your idea into a lucrative

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Affordable Ways to Keep Your Clients Coming Back as a Small Business

Running a small business can be challenging for a lot of reasons, but one of the first big hurdles to overcome is the ability to hold onto your clients in order to encourage repeat business. For most small businesses, holding on to customers tends to be one of the biggest priorities, but it’s also one

Affordable Ways to Keep Your Clients Coming Back as a Small Business Read More »

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Working from Home? Things to do to break the monotony

When you’re stuck in the same place, day in, day out, having ‘other things to do’ can certainly break the boredom. Here are some ideas for you.Transform your garden spacesThe seasons are changing so now is a perfect opportunity to sort out your garden and get it into shape. You should start by getting rid

Working from Home? Things to do to break the monotony Read More »

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A Cohesive Unit: Why Collaboration and Teamwork is Important For Your Business

Running a small business can be one of the most challenging jobs on the planet. As a business owner, your main goal needs to be keeping your employees productive. Businesses in the United States lose over $570 billion each year due to low productivity. Finding and pinpointing productivity issues is essential when trying to keep

A Cohesive Unit: Why Collaboration and Teamwork is Important For Your Business Read More »

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Small Business Shipping Tips

Shipping and fulfilment can be one of the most expensive things that a business will do, and this goes double if it is poorly managed. Customers are now used to having some of their purchases delivered the same day, and in some areas (Amazon Prime Now) within two hours. So you better believe they don’t

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How to Keep on Top of Your Small Business Finances

Managing your finances can often feel overwhelming for any business owner. Just because you’re good at what you do in business, doesn’t mean that you will have a lot of experience in handling finances, and this can often be one of the biggest challenges for a small business owner.Nevertheless, good financial practices can easily be

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You Can’t Ignore These Parts Of Your Business!

Running a business takes a lot of work, Of course, that’s hardly going to come as a surprise to anyone. When you’re a business owner, the buck stops with you. It’s your job to pay attention to every aspect of your business in order to make sure that it’s running smoothly. That’s why it’s so

You Can’t Ignore These Parts Of Your Business! Read More »

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Self-Employed? Here’s How to Help Your Business Look the Part

Being self-employed is fantastic. You answer to nobody but yourself. You can work when you want, and sometimes you can work wherever you want. However, self-employment also means you need to do everything yourself. Bills, taxes, invoices, and orders are all your responsibility, and so is marketing. It can be a challenge to market yourself, and

Self-Employed? Here’s How to Help Your Business Look the Part Read More »

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Tax Saving Hacks That Small Business Owners Should Not Miss

Money matters a lot for small businesses and even the smallest savings can make a big difference. And if you are a small business owner, you will probably know the significance of saving up on taxes. However, this is easier said than done because taxes are complex. Additionally, there is always stress that you may

Tax Saving Hacks That Small Business Owners Should Not Miss Read More »

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How To Combat Loneliness When You Are Working For Yourself

If you consider yourself as a bit of an introvert, working from home as a freelancer probably sounds like your idea of heaven. You don’t have to worry about making small talk with colleagues that you don’t actually like over the water cooler, sit through endless board meetings and presentations, or have to worry about

How To Combat Loneliness When You Are Working For Yourself Read More »

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