Small Business

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Transform Your Business From Nobody To Somebody

It’s impossible to sustain a business if you’re not getting the attention that you need. So for you to grow even a slightly successful business, you need to be able to turn it from nobody to somebody. To do so isn’t going to happen overnight, and not every tactic that you use is going to

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How to Make Sure Business Debts Don’t Sink Your Startup

Starting your own business is the Dream Career for many of us. The idea of following our passions, setting our own schedule and making unlimited income – it’s an appealing way to make a living. And with the social and technological trends the world is currently experiencing, setting up in business is more accessible than ever

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3 Ways To Show Frugality As A Small Business Owner

If you had all the money in the world, the topic of frugality wouldn’t matter to you. You could spend what you wanted, when you wanted, and on what you wanted. Unfortunately, it’s important to be realistic. As is the case with many business owners, you will be keen to save money where you can, as

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Every Penny Counts: How Small Businesses Can Slash Their Tax Bill

When you run a small business, every penny counts. That’s why saving money on your tax bill could be the difference between making it into the next year and not. Taxes are, unfortunately, part and parcel of the business landscape. But businesses don’t have to drown under the weight of them. There are all kinds of

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10 Tips for Starting a Small Business That You Havent Heard Already

10 Tips for Starting a Small Business That You Haven’t Heard Already

So, you decided to take the leap and start your own business. It’s a big life decision that’ll not only make you money but also make you a stronger person. You’ll hear a lot of tips from others about running a business, but you should carefully choose who to listen to. Most new business owners

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The Tasks To Start Outsourcing Immediately

If we were in an ideal world, then most of the time in the workday would revolve around using the things that we enjoy, using the skills that we have, and doing the tasks for our business that really excite us. But then we would need to delegate other things like someone else, such as

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