social networking

sober lifestyle

Building a Sober Social Life: Activities and Communities That Help

Table of Contents:Creating a sober social life is essential for those committed to recovery, offering meaningful connections and enjoyable experiences without the influence of alcohol or substances.Diverse activities and supportive communities provide various avenues for socialization, personal growth, and a fulfilling lifestyle.Engaging in sober activities can enhance mental health, boost self-esteem, and build lasting friendships.IntroductionNavigating […]

Building a Sober Social Life: Activities and Communities That Help Read More »

Do Your Bosses Think You Web-Two-O Too Much?

Is Web2.0 a drain on your productivity? The explosive use of LinkedIn, Facebook and MySpace has urged some companies to reevaluate their electronic-use policies. Some organizations have banned social-networking tools completely over concerns about a drop in productivity as well as data-security. Has this happened in your workplace?

Do Your Bosses Think You Web-Two-O Too Much? Read More »

Are Facebook, Myspace and LinkedIn Good For Your Reputation?

Social Networking has become the main game in town for upwardly mobile professionals. It’s standard to find most of your colleagues on LinkedIn, Facebook or Myspace and involve yourself in a social community – groups and activities you share an interest in. Let’s face it, they save you so much time and energy in tracking

Are Facebook, Myspace and LinkedIn Good For Your Reputation? Read More »