
speeding offence

What Are the Consequences for Speeding Over 100 MPH in California? Legal Penalties Explained

Speeding over 100 miles per hour in California is not just a simple traffic violation; it carries severe consequences. Drivers caught exceeding this speed limit risk facing fines up to $1,000, license suspension for up to 30 days, and added points on their driving record. This serious infraction, known as Speeding Over 100 MPH (CVC […]

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car accident

Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics in California

Did you know that California is the second state in the United States for the most fatal car accidents? Motor vehicle accidents pose a major concern in California, causing both human casualties and economic costs.Regarding the roadways in California, one shouldn’t ignore the details of motor vehicle accident statistics. These numbers tell us how many

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7 Common Road Offenses You Should Avoid

The United States struggles with the challenge of road safety, recording an average of more than 6 millionpassenger car accidents every year. As a result, these incidents have a catastrophic impact, including claiming the lives of around 38,000 individuals annually. This indicates that even drivers with years of experience on the roads of the United States could

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6 Strategies to Win a Car Accident Lawsuit

After an accident, you may have a lot to handle. Pain from injuries, medical bills, loss of property, and wages are among the things you may face after a car accident. Attorney Adam Slingwein, an acclaimed car accident lawyer, notes that if you or your loved one has been injured in a car accident, you

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