Tax returns

Q&A: Techniques for Securing Income Verification

People often need to verify income during important life moments. Landlords may ask for proof when renting, ensuring tenants can afford the property. Lenders also require verification for loans or credit applications. Assistance programs or tax filings often demand precise income details too.Employees often have pay stubs they can use to verify their income, but […]

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Why It Might Be Time to Upgrade Your Accounting Software

Accounting has undergone a seismic shift in recent years. Before the advent of online cloud-based accounting software solutions, small and medium-sized businesses typically employed a bookkeeper to maintain the accounts and handed off the end-of-year stuff to an accountant. Not many business owners had the skill required to create a double-entry bookkeeping ledger, and although

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Five Mistakes Business Owners Make In Their First Year

When it comes to running a business there are many people who think they are more than capable of starting a business and becoming a success overnight. And this confidence is admirable, but there are going to be plenty of hiccups along the way. If the original plans aren’t laid down effectively, and the foundations

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