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How I Lost 45lbs: A Holistic Approach Towards Health Transformation

This achievement didn’t just emerge from the rigorous Keto diet or intermittent fasting regime that I adopted. It was also about the integral role of exercise (particularly walking) that helped in the depletion of my glycogen stores, leading to the catalysis of weight loss

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A Freelancer’s Guide to Maintaining Fitness

It’s easy to become sedentary and neglect your health while working as a freelancer. I believe it’s important to stay healthy, both mentally and physically, as part of your overall wellbeing

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How to Use Walking to Become Fit and Lean

Walking is one of the most natural and simplest forms of exercise that can be done by virtually anyone, regardless of age or fitness level. It’s also incredibly effective for improving overall health and helping to achieve a leaner, fitter body. However, walking alone won’t give you the results you want; it needs to be

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The Amazing Healing Power of Walking

As an avid nature lover and outdoor enthusiast, I’ve always been a firm believer in the healing power of walking. I live in The Cotswolds in the UK – an area of outstanding natural beauty – which got me walking regularly, purely to take it all in; I now walk 20,000 steps a day. But

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5 Ways Why Just Walking has Improved My Health

As someone who is constantly on the go, I never thought walking could do much for my health. However, since incorporating regular walks into my lifestyle, I have noticed a huge improvement in my overall wellbeing. I now walk over 20,000 steps a day, but you don’t need to do as many as that to

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6 Means of Transportation for Traveling Around the UK

The UK offers many transportation options so you can conveniently travel to and from various destinations. The British transport network is one of the world’s most advanced systems! Even though the UK is a heavily populated area, there are still lots of great ways to get around and miss traffic. Here’s how to get around

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