work-life balance

Why Am I Unhappy

Why Am I Unhappy? How to Find out in 15 Minutes

Are you asking yourself “Why am I unhappy?” It’s a tough question. Often, the answer isn’t obvious. But don’t worry. We’ll explore this together, step by step.

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career goals

10 Career Goals that Everybody can Achieve in their Lifetime

In today’s fast-paced world, having well-defined career goals to guide your personal development is more crucial than ever.

10 Career Goals that Everybody can Achieve in their Lifetime Read More »

dream jobs

How to find one of the elusive Dream Jobs

This post will answer ‘where are all the dream jobs?” and the challenging reality of finding them, and provide strategies pursuing job aspirations.

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overnight remote jobs

What are Overnight Remote Jobs? (and how to Find Them)

This guide delves into the best overnight remote jobs, practical advice on how to find them, and the benefits of working remotely during the night.

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Exploring Remote Tech Job Opportunities

As you explore remote tech job opportunities, you’re not just embarking on a job search, you’re embracing a dynamic future that redefines how you work and where you work.The appeal of remote tech job opportunities is undeniable, and is here to guide you through this journey. The platform understands that remote work is not

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Dress Code Policy

Companies Struggle to Keep Quality Talent Amid a Tightening Labor Market

Today’s labor market is fast becoming a difficult one to navigate for companies who look to retain the best talent. Retention numbers are usually the top priority of any top-tier HR manager, but it is fast becoming a real challenge for them. Companies need help to keep talent in their midst as they compete for top talent. It is

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Excuses to Leave Work Early – Updated Again!

In the realm of work-life balance, occasionally, unforeseen circumstances may call for you to leave work early. If you find yourself in this position, it’s essential to communicate openly with your superiors to maintain professional integrity. This article offers updated excuses to leave work early, to help you navigate these situations responsibly.

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6 Habits Of Highly Effective Managers

Managers carry a lot of responsibility. They need to manage their own workload, but at the same time, they must ensure that their team stays on top of their goals and objectives. Being a manager also requires understanding what drives people and how to help others succeed in what they do. Highly effective managers also

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4 Ideas for Improving Workplace Flexibility

In recent years, conversations about bringing more flexibility to the workplace have become common at companies around the world. More and more business leaders are recognising the benefits of allowing employees to have more control over their own time, whether by adopting remote or hybrid work setups, compressing the work week or other means. In

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Putting Together the Dream Team: 4 Tips for Business Owners

Covid-19 has caused workers around the globe to reconsider their priorities and work towards a better work-life balance. Due to the current “Great Resignation”, almost one in four professionals have either changed jobs in the past two years or are planning to do so in 2022. For companies looking for the right talents to hire, this

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Four Reasons Freelancing is Here to Stay

It’s safe to say that finding a job isn’t always easy, particularly one that you’re passionate about. In between salaries disputes and inflexible schedules, freelancing has become more appealing than ever. During the height of the pandemic, remote work became the norm. Businesses that never even contemplated a work-from-home model quickly implemented one and carried

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How to Run Your Business Smoothly

Anyone can start up a business, but the way you manage your processes is the difference between success and failure. If you have recently set up a company, but have no prior business experience, you may be feeling completely out of your depth working out how to manage the day-to-day aspects of a business and

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How to Make Your Employees Your Greatest Asset

The success of your business depends largely on your in-house team of staff. With the right range of skills and personalities, your business can triumph but, with an ill-equipped team, you’re likely to struggle. That’s why it’s vital to ensure your employees are driving your business in the right direction. If you want to make

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4 Safety Tips for Any Profession

Every job is different. You might sit behind a computer screen for most of the day, or you could be out on a construction site helping put up a new office building. These days, many feel lucky just to have employment.Because all jobs require different skill sets and people perform them in various locales, you

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Bringing Your Team Together: How To Champion Collaboration During Lockdown

Millions of people are currently working from home. For many business owners and employees, collaboration is key to success, but how do you bring people together when they’re physically apart? Although the lockdown has posed a unique challenge to companies across the world, there are silver linings, one of which is the ability to use

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How Easy Really Is It To Start An Online Business?

Although it may seem like strange times in the wider world, there’s actually never been a better time to set up an online business. Working in this way is the dream for many of us – being able to work from any location, and at times that support our other responsibilities and goals in life.

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These 5 Professionals Will Always be in Demand

There are a lot of considerations that go into career choice, among them compensation, work-life balance, opportunities for travel and yes, marketability. No one wants to find themselves in a profession whose opportunities are few and far between. The good news is, there are numerous options that offer both good compensation and numerous work placement

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cyber security

Identifying Your Personal Threats

We have already discussed how you can identify your personal strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in other blog posts (links to respective blog posts). In this blog, we will try to round off the SWOT analysis with the final piece of the puzzle – the threats. In personal development, threats are anything that can jeopardize the

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Tips To Keep Your Staff Happy For Longer

Staff happiness is one of the most important elements when it comes to running a business, and the more you pay attention to your staff, the better. You don’t want to waste all of your time having to recruit those roles over and over again, so here are some tips to keep your staff happy

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How to Take the Stress Out of Business Travel

Traveling for work is a completely different experience from traveling for pleasure. Having a job that requires a lot of travel across the world can have a significant impact on life outside of work. Jet-setting careers may sound glamorous, but, too much business travel can take its toll. If you are a frequent flyer because your

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