working from home

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The Dangers of ‘Al-Desko’ Dining when WFH

As someone who often works from home, I understand the importance of staying focused while completing your day-to-day tasks. But what happens when you’re feeling hungry and all you can think about is food? It’s not uncommon for people to eat at their desk when working from home, but what are the dangers of doing […]

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Five Tips For Working From Home To Keep You Motivated

This year has seen more people than ever working from home. At first, the thought of it sounds great – you get the freedom to wear whatever you like, you don’t need to pack yourself onto a busy train or bus, and you get a better work-life balance. Yet this isn’t necessarily true. While these

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Why Network Marketing will succeed in a post-COVID world

Network Marketing has been around for decades but it is enjoying a new lease of life as a result of COVID-19. Network Marketing is a business model dependent on person-to-person interactions to generate sales. Network Marketers are typically independent representatives, mostly commission-based, and working from their own home or premises. It’s that last point that is a

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What To Do (And Not To Do) During A Video Conference

Companies around the world are changing their business model to accommodate working from home. Because of this, video conferencing has become a huge part of the lives of people everywhere who have switched to working remotely. Whether you are working remotely or have a virtual interview, you need to know what to do. From what

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Working from Home? Things to do to break the monotony

When you’re stuck in the same place, day in, day out, having ‘other things to do’ can certainly break the boredom. Here are some ideas for you.Transform your garden spacesThe seasons are changing so now is a perfect opportunity to sort out your garden and get it into shape. You should start by getting rid

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Four reasons why you shouldn’t work from your bed

There is no denying it – since the 90s, working from home has become a very popular and many people choose it above office working. And I can understand it too: working in an environment more conducive to better performance (as many people find it) makes a lot of sense; why wouldn’t you if you

Four reasons why you shouldn’t work from your bed Read More »

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How To Combat Loneliness When You Are Working For Yourself

If you consider yourself as a bit of an introvert, working from home as a freelancer probably sounds like your idea of heaven. You don’t have to worry about making small talk with colleagues that you don’t actually like over the water cooler, sit through endless board meetings and presentations, or have to worry about

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