The 10 Habits of Highly Effective IT Professionals – Reviewed

My latest eBook ‘The 10 Habits of Highly Effective IT Professionals ‘ is out now.

  • Beat colleagues to promotion…
  • Become a top performer…
  • Become highly paid…
  • Impress your CIO…
  • Build influence and authority…

… with this book! It has been meticulously researched to discover the ten habits of members of the IT elite that make them stand out as the real heroes of the industry.

The 10 Habits of Highly Effective IT Professionals

You can download your copy today, and here is what two  industry experts have to say.

Nick McCormick , on his blog ‘Joe and Wanda on Management ‘, reviews the book, and says:

"Simon has put together an insightful list. There is no denying that embracing the habits described in the book will make an IT professional more effective. In fact, I think doing so would make anyone in any field/industry more effective. My favorites are the first two. 1) Openly Share Knowledge and 2) Coach Others. Wouldn’t it be nice if more people embraced these habits?"

Eric Brown reviews the book too. See what Eric has to say about the book on his blog – here is a snippet:

"The ebook is a nice refresher of what some good habits are for IT prof essionals.  Go check it out!"

You can download this book instantly by filling out the form on the form on the right of this page.

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