The 5 Steps to a Successful Career Change

We all have those moments where we feel unhappy, unfulfilled, or under-appreciated in our professional lives. It may be that we could benefit from looking for a career change. The days when you choose a profession and stick with it throughout your entire professional life are long gone. It’s not uncommon for people to have many jobs, employers, and careers over the long-term. Here is a quick 5-step guide to a successful career change. 

What Makes You Happy?

This question is at the root of looking to change your path. If you are thinking of a career change, it must mean you are unhappy. Since a career change can often mean a bit of short-term financial loss for the good of the long-term, we should be certain that this new direction will make us happy. Consider if you have any hobbies or interests that could be a job; we’ve seen on this site before some ideas, things like DIY skills are still a great idea, and the opportunities for creative pursuits are available online in the current economy.

Do You Have Skills or Qualifications?

It’s all very well having a passion for something and the desire to make money out of it, but that doesn’t always mean you are qualified or suitably skilled to make it as a pro. For example, I love playing five-a-side football, but being on the wrong side of 40 and with little talent. I’m not holding my breath for the call-up just yet. Of course, for less elite professions, a lack of skills and qualifications can be improved. My best friend has just started training to be a schoolteacher, after 20 years in financial services, so anything is possible.

Look at Training Courses.

Much like my prospective teacher friend, there are vocational training opportunities for numerous lines of work. Have you ever thought about a modern apprenticeship? They are not just for 16-year-old school leavers and are available in dozens of industry sectors. Often technical or industry-specific qualifications are essential, and you might need to put your hand in your pocket to gain these, but throughout a long career, it should be a drop in the ocean, consider this course to gain a real-estate license,

Consider Self-Employment.

Sometimes it seems like no matter what you do your opinions are not valued, you are forever underpaid, and the management does things in a way that baffles you at work. If this describes your feelings about work, then consider starting your own business. Every new business must be started on solid foundations, so ensure you have done your research, and construct a realistic business plan. It will be a lot of work, and a lot of hours, especially in the early years, but the opportunity to be the boss and do things your way can be worth the sacrifice.

Internal Progression.

If you are frustrated with your career prospects and current job, have you tried asking for advancement opportunities at your current workplace? Sometimes it’s worth even asking the question as if there is nothing available at the moment you have at least put yourself on their radar as someone who’s looking.

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