The Dangers of ‘Al-Desko’ Dining when WFH

As someone who often works from home, I understand the importance of staying focused while completing your day-to-day tasks. But what happens when you’re feeling hungry and all you can think about is food? It’s not uncommon for people to eat at their desk when working from home, but what are the dangers of doing this.

In this article, I’ll be exploring the potential risks of eating at your desk when working from home. I’ll also provide some examples to illustrate how it can have a negative impact on your productivity and wellbeing.

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For starters, let’s take a look at why people might be tempted to eat while they work. Working from home can be isolating and it’s easy to become disconnected with colleagues or family members if everyone is in different places. Eating while you work can help fill that gap by providing a distraction and a feeling of company as you chew through lunchtime or snacks throughout the day.

But there are some serious downsides to eating at your desk which should not be overlooked. Firstly, it can lead to unhealthy eating habits such as snacking too much or overindulging in sugary treats. If we’re honest with ourselves, we know that these types of foods often provide short-term energy boosts but leave us feeling worse in the long run – both physically and mentally. The high-sugar and low-nutrition content is to blame!

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Secondly, having food around you all the time encourages mindless eating which means that we don’t pay attention to our bodies’ cues for hunger or fullness. We may end up overeating even after we’ve had enough because we’re distracted by our work – leading to discomfort afterwards and potentially weight gain in the longer term if this behaviour continues unchecked.

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Finally, research has found that taking regular breaks away from your desk is important for maintaining concentration levels throughout the day – something which is difficult to do if you’re constantly snacking! Taking regular breaks helps us stay energised and motivated during long working days so it’s worth being mindful of how much time you spend grazing at your workspace instead of taking a proper break away from it altogether.

To put these concepts into practice let’s take a look at two case studies:

Case Study #1: Bob works as an accountant from his home office where he spends most of his days alone with just his computer for company. He finds himself getting hungry mid-way through his workday but doesn’t like taking breaks so he starts snacking on whatever he has available – usually chocolate bars or crisps – without ever paying attention to whether he feels full or not. Inevitably this leads him to feel bloated and uncomfortable later on in the day as well as having trouble concentrating due to lack of proper sustenance.

Case Study #2: Jane works as an online tutor teaching English classes remotely via video chat software. She loves her job but sometimes finds herself becoming easily distracted by hunger pangs during her lessons so she keeps a bowl of nuts next to her laptop for quick access whenever she needs them – only problem is that she tends to mindlessly snack away without realising how much she’s actually eaten until after she finishes her session! This means that she never gets any proper nourishment since she never takes proper meal breaks either – leading her towards exhaustion by late afternoon every day.

These two cases demonstrate how easy it is for someone who works from home – especially alone – to fall into bad habits like eating at their desks rather than taking regular breaks away from their workspace altogether. It’s important for us all remember that our bodies need sustenance just like our minds do – so make sure that you take time out periodically throughout the day (at least 30 minutes) dedicated solely towards fuelling yourself properly before returning back into the swing of things.

In conclusion, there are many potential dangers associated with eating at one’s desk while working from home including unhealthy eating habits, mindless consumption leading towards overeating, and lack of concentration due increased fatigue caused by improper nutrition intake throughout each day. Taking regular meal breaks away from one’s workspace helps ensure that we get enough nourishment whilst also giving us much needed restorative pauses throughout our workdays which ultimately leads towards higher productivity levels overall.

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