The Dos And Don’ts Of Becoming A Personal Trainer

Becoming a personal trainer is something that many people who fall in love with fitness do. Perhaps fitness has been a passion throughout your entire life. Perhaps you had your own transformation and that’s when you knew that that was what you wanted to help others do.

Here, we have the dos and don’ts of becoming a personal trainer so that you can make sure you’re the best possible personal trainer you can be. Read on to learn more!

Do Become A Personal Trainer For The Right Reasons

You shouldn’t become a personal trainer because you think it’ll be easy, allow you to work out all the time, or because you think you’ll easily be able to make money via instagram. You have to become a personal trainer because you really want to help people make their own transformations in the most effective way possible. You might make hardly any money in the beginning, because you need to get your name out there and build a reputation first. Be prepared for that!

Don’t Be A Cookie Cutter Trainer

The last thing you should be is a cookie cutter trainer. One plan will not work for everybody, so giving out these plans and charging for them is a little unethical – especially if a client thinks they are purchasing a tailored plan from you. You need to get to know your clients and their bodies and what will work for them by tailoring your approach to each individual. You may need to take things like past injuries and illnesses into account, too.

Do A Course That Helps You To Stand Out

To become a personal trainer, you need to stand out. This means doing a course to ensure you are equipped to effectively train your clients. If you want to start a career in online personal training you’ll have to do a course that enables you to do that. There are many people on Instagram who build a little muscle and decide to start charging people to help them, when they are actually not qualified at all. Look through courses to see what you would like to be covered and what you think will help you to stand out in your area.

Don’t Attempt To Train People If You Aren’t Qualified

If you’re not qualified, do not attempt to train people. This doesn’t mean you can’t help out your gym buddy; just that you shouldn’t be taking people to the gym with the promise of training them and getting results. You could get in a lot of trouble, as you won’t have insurance and somebody could get hurt.

Do Make Notes of Clients Gym Progress

When you are qualified and training clients, make notes of their progress. Encourage them to do so. Making notes that will help you in your next session with them will mean you can further tailor their training and push them in ways that really help them.

Don’t Make Last Minute Cancellations

Sometimes life happens and emergencies crop up. However, making last minute cancellations is really unprofessional, and if you make a habit of it you’re going to build a bad reputation and lose clients. To build your business you need to manage your time effectively and ensure you can keep up with each and every client you bring on board.

Do Stay In Touch With Clients After Their Session

Make sure you stay in touch with clients after their session. Ask them how they are feeling, give them advice on aches and pains, and just encourage them in general. Don’t forget about them once they are no longer with you. Not only does this help you to build a better relationship with them and shows that you care about them, it also means they are more likely to return to you for sessions.

Don’t Overcommit To Clients

It can be tempting to overcommit to clients, especially if you want to make some money from this. However, overcommitting will only hinder your business. If you’re physically training clients, you’re going to need breaks, too. Even if you’re training them online, there’s no way you can give every client the attention they need if you have too many to keep up with.

Do Encourage Clients During The Session

There’s nothing worse than watching a personal trainer just standing there or even using their phone while their client is working out. Encouraging clients during their session is essential!

Don’t Use A Training Session As Your Own Workout

This is not your workout time, it’s your client’s. Never use a training session as your own workout!

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