The One True Secret To Freelance Success

Freelancing is very much an up and down career path. There are plenty of highs and positive points; you have flexible working hours, can take time off whenever you want, and do something you’re actually happy doing. But, there are also plenty of lows, with the main one being that it’s not that easy to find consistent work.

I know you’ve clicked on this blog post because you want to know the secret to freelance success. This secret revolves around that biggest low; the difficulty finding work.

Most people find work as a freelancer by applying for freelance jobs and spending ages pouring through freelance sites where you might find one job that lasts for a week. This is what’s holding you back as the secret is to put yourself out there and let the work find you.

How can you apply this secret to your freelance career? It’s simple, follow these steps, and you’ll soon have people coming to you, eager for your services:

Get Yourself A Website

When the majority of businesses or individuals are looking to hire freelancers, they’ll search for them online. If you’ve only registered on freelance websites and don’t have a site of your own, they’ll never find you. As such, make sure you get yourself a professional website that’s used to promote your freelance service. There are loads of places like Good Chee that can provide you with a site that’s easy for you to use and will look professional. Now, you can work on improving the visibility of your site by boosting it up the organic search rankings for keywords relating to your freelance service. This will lead to more traffic, which can lead to more clients and more work.


Create A LinkedIn Account

LinkedIn is the best social media platform for freelancers. It allows you to create a professional profile and upload examples of your work while providing your own back story and accomplishments. While you can search for work on LinkedIn, it’s also a very useful way of getting people to find you. Many professionals will take to this platform when they have jobs that need completing and will run through various profiles looking for ones that offer this service. If you don’t have an account, you could be missing out.

Pay To Promote Yourself Online

If you want people to find out about your freelance service and come to you, then you have to put yourself out there. Invest in a bit of PPC advertising, and you can advertise your service all over the internet. What’s more, PPC advertising is built around keywords which mean your adverts will be seen by people that are interested in your service. It’s a really effective way of attracting attention and getting people to your website and contacting you.

With these three tips, you will ensure more people come to you and enquire about your service. The great thing is, once you start getting work and becoming popular, you will get a lot more as it has something of a snowball effect on your service.

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