The Parts Of Your Office You Might Have Ignored


When you’re moving into a new office, you probably have plenty on your plate. It can be tough at a time like this to make sure that you really have considered everything which might be of importance. However, during all of this it is also likely that you will have ignored or forgotten about a few key areas of the office. These might be safety concerns in some cases, or it could just be a stylistic issue. Either way, it is something which you will need to think about if you want to make sure the office is as suitable as possible. Let’s have a look at those areas you might have ignored, and why it might be important to pay attention to them.

The Roof

Very few business owners will look at the roof when they move into a new office. Of course, sometimes you might not even have the chance. But the roof itself can be a pretty hefty safety concern, and it’s definitely something you will want to look into at your earliest convenience. If you allow a leak to develop, then this can sufficiently cause enough damage in the long term to basically destroy your stock and maybe even your business, so this is vitally important. Be sure to get the professionals in at your earliest convenience, to check the quality and health of the roof. This is also a health and safety concern, so you will be doing everything you should to keep your employees, visitors – and yourself – as safe as possible too.

The Floor

In all likelihood, once you know you have a floor, you won’t look much past that. But it might be more important than you think to check out the floor as thoroughly as you can. Sometimes, businesses will move into a new office only to find that it is cracked or full of holes. In these instances, it might well be true that there is a significant breach of health and safety. At the very least, it is likely to be something of a trip hazard – and it might be somewhat unpleasant to work there during such a time. If you take a look at this case study however, you will see that even such issues can be easily rectified by applying an epoxy resin to the floor. But make sure you have that done as early as possible, before the damaged floor causes any problems to your people or your business.

The Exits

There are hugely important concerns regarding exits and entrances, and you will need to check and double check all of them before you move into the new office. You need to be able to leave the building quickly without any hassle in case of an emergency, and checking the exits is vital for this. Most audits, such as fire audits, will ensure that these are checked, but it is in your interest to do so straight away anyway. Emergencies can happen at any time, and you definitely want to b as prepared as possible for them.

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