THE Solution to Your Boring Workplace

Is your workplace tediously boring? Do you want to inject some (appropriate) fun? I’ve found a GREAT solution. And it won’t get you fired – in case you were wondering…

I recently found a brilliant book that shares some great tricks to provide some funny workplace antics. It’s full of pranks and japes that lighten the mood and help co-workers bond. You can make your co-workers jump, squeal, and run for cover with hilarity with the Paper Clip Chain, Bottomless Box, and the Sticky Note Office, as well as the more advanced Freezer Bomb, Chair Chaos, and Textless Keyboard.

I tried a few out on a few of my colleagues and we had a great laugh. This was in the dark-depths of winter, so we needed something to lift our spirits.

It is Cubicle Warfare: 101 Office Traps and Pranks and you can get it from Amazon for just $12.06. It was voted one of the Best Books of 2014 on Amazon.

This is the Book of the Month for April 2015.

Why I like this book

  • It has detailed drawings of the pranks – funny in themselves – and it means you can precisely set up your capers
  • Most pranks can be set up with a few common items that you will find in your office or are easily accessible
  • There are YouTube clips to complement the book
  • Most (or all, depending on your workplace) are ‘safe’ gags that won’t get you fired
  • Really, the pranks are harmless and just for fun
  • It’s beautifully written and illustrated
  • It can easily be shared

The first one I tried was the Desktop Disaster – but instead of ball-bearings I used those little polystyrene balls that stick to your clothes. I needed a couple of paper cups, a craft knife (be careful!) and some glue. I prepared the prank at home so I could get it just right. It took me a couple of goes at first as I wanted the paper cup to look exactly like a standard one.

Next day, I set up the trick and sat at my desk as if nothing was wrong at all. My colleague returned to his desk from his break, and went to take a sip of his juice… the polystyrene balls were released to a loud gasp. They got everywhere!

I haven’t tried the textless-keyboard prank yet as that looks like fun. One colleague recently taped my mouse to my desk – got me!

You can see an illustrated example on YouTube here:


Remember, it’s just for fun

I know my co-workers very well. I know what they like, what they tolerate, and what they don’t like. We are a close-knit team. But some people REALLY don’t like to be made a joke of. You’ve gotta suss out these people and NOT play a prank on them. You’re in danger of bullying if you don’t take my advice on this! We should only prank people who will take the pranks. But for those that are game…. GAME ON!

Get Cubicle Warfare: 101 Office Traps and Pranks – now

This guest post was written by Jim Shipton of Cambridge, MA. Jim works in a call-center for a blue-chip Financial Services company (a very boring workplace normally!)

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