Three Signs It’s Time To Get a Better Job

You know the feeling when you wake up annoyed before the work day begins…

In most cases, you’re only excited about the end of the day because you hate your job. Maybe it’s time to consider a career, but you do not have the educational requirements to pursue higher paying positions. It’s a reality now, but you can make the choice to change for the future.

Many companies now require applicants to hold at least an Associates degree in any field with experience. If you have over 10 years in sales and no degree, consider pursuing a Business Administration or Information Technology degree to get started. The more technical your degree, the greater amount of critical thinking skills you’ll develop for your new career.

1. You’ve reached your breaking point of disappointment

Are you tired of applying for low paying jobs? You’re reaching a new point of disappointment because of the knowledge-based workforce. Many people are not even working in their respective fields, but they are receiving a considerable amount of income for finishing college and learning how to apply new skills in the workplace.

2. Your boss calls you out for lacking a college degree

According to the “Education pays..” survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, individuals with only a high school diploma earn approximately $626 per week compared to $767 of an Associates degree worker. If you consider these wages for a total year, the person with the Associates degree will earn about $7,300 more than the high school graduate.

The extra $7,300 can help create opportunities for your family, reduce debt and improve your lifestyle (if you’re unhappy with it). Persons with college degrees usually earn a higher pay which relieves some of the stress surrounding overworking, underpayment and extensive worry about the next paycheck.

3. You think it’s time to change

You think it’s time to make a change, and you know what changes are needed. Many people have fears of returning to college because they of financial aid, lack of study skills or time management. You can get an education and take care of home by preparing for the transition by asking friends, family, and colleagues to help you. You hate going to work because your bosses stress you out, barely pay good wages to cover bills and the job is impacting your health.

Get to the bottom of your fears

You can only make a choice if you are prepared to handle the consequences. Educational institutions welcome working adults and provide assistance to help. You may even receive additional help including child care assistance, tutoring, or flex schedule opportunities at your current job. Ask your employer about tuition reimbursement programs (if available). If you identify each problem you think you may have, find the solutions to make the right choices.

Adult learning is a promising step in your career. No matter how long you’ve worked in the workforce, a combination of education and experience will boost your position with the right employer. In most cases, you will have to plan a way to get your new life under control with family, school, and work; take your time and everything will work out.

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