Tips for Energy Efficient Computing at Work and at Home

In the modern age, computers are our constant companions. We’re using them at work, we’re using them at home – we’re even using them for music or entertainment when we want to go to sleep. With such a prevalence in our lives, it’s unsurprising that one of the main consumers of citizens’ energy is in the form of computing power requirements. Whether we’re working, relaxing or gaming, there are a number of ways in which we can reduce the usage of energy in our computers and laptops. Let’s take a look at these options.


All hardware used in computing heats up – and this causes overheating that’s regulated by fans. In certain instances, these fans are forced to work overdrive to shepherd out the heat that’s accumulating inside your computer or laptop. It’s these fans that actually consume a good deal of energy in laptops, running your battery down and oftentimes leading to crashes in your computing hardware. With the risk of your computer overheating in mind, you should ensure that you’re not using your computer in an overly-warm environment. Further, avoid using laptops in bed atop duvets that can block the fan’s air channels, causing rapid overheating to your device.


Another test for the computing power of your device is the software that you use. In general, the more computing power that you’re using to run complex applications and programs, the more you’ll be running down your battery, using up electricity in the process. That’s unavoidable if you’re a graphic designer who’s having to run a variety of programs to do their work. But if you’re simply lazy at closing tabs and shutting down programs, you should be aware that you’re slowing your computer, and using up more power, unnecessarily.

Sleep or Power Off

Our computing habits mimic our smartphone ones in that we rarely let our devices run out of battery, and we usually keep them on throughout each and every day. As you can imagine, this isn’t terribly efficient in terms of the energy you’ll be wasting when you’re not using your laptop or computer. Hitting the sleep button helps you reduce your energy usage when you’re not expecting to use your computer for a short amount of time; and switching it off before you go to sleep, or when you leave the office, saves a good deal of electricity over time.

Energy Bills

In any case, your computing needs are still going to use electricity and you are still going to need to pay electricity bills based upon your usage. In your home, you should shop around for the best energy deal for your usage patterns. Business energy comparison can also be undertaken online by making a quick search online. As a result, whatever your particular usage pattern, you’ll be saving cash by getting the best-priced deal on your energy – whether that’s what you’re using at home, or that which you use in the office.

Use the knowledge shared in this article to bring down the costs and energy wastage associated with the computing power that you use, whether in the office or at home.

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