Top 5 Benefits of Writing for Money

A Guest Post by Samantha Anderson.

Freelance writing has become one of the fastest growing professions in the US and countries in Europe and Asia. According to Forbes, freelancers make up close to 35% of the total US workforce. This upward shift in the number of professionals going the freelance way has to do with the great number of benefits that come with it. Not only can one get rid of the morning to evening job and gain healthy work-life balance, it can also help you achieve professional success – all at the comfort of your house.

So, if you are a writer – whether a professional with years of experience working with clients or a beginner who has just started writing or someone who is thinking of starting a freelance career in writing – here is a list of the top advantages that you get when you live your life as a professional freelance writer.

Top 5 Benefits of Freelance Writing

  • Flexibility – If there is one pro of freelancing that no other option can beat, it is flexibility. The flexibility to schedule your appointments and deliveries, project assignments and timelines, and of the working hours. Unlike in a traditional office where you have to show up before a specific time every day otherwise you end up with loss of pay, there is no set working hours when you are freelancing. Since you will be your own boss in the grand scheme of things, you can choose to select the time that you are most comfortable with. The best thing about this is that you can take periodic naps while working, which is actually very good for you as a professional. One other thing to be noted here is that if you have an added expense for a specific month, you can take up more assignments to earn that extra bit, which is technically not possible in a regular job
  • Additional income – One of the best pieces of advice in the investing circles is to get a second job. Even noted investor Warren Buffet recommends getting a second income so that you can invest on a diverse portfolio without risking your monthly bill payments. If you are a marketing manager in a multinational company with some good essay writing skills and can find few hours to spare every week, you can surely consider freelancing. There are many paper writing service providers around where you can provide writing help to students and other professionals.
    • However, use caution if you are managing two jobs, as some companies may consider this as a breach of contract. It is best to read your contract before moonlighting, especially if the service you are providing as a freelancer is similar to what you provide as an employee of your company
    • As stated earlier, if you have the right skillset, you can write papers for money, which is a hot area at the moment
  • Market Requirement – This is relatively a new benefit that most people haven’t yet come around to notice. According to a report published by Upwork in February 2017, companies today believe and know that freelancers get more work done than actual employees. Moreover, nearly half of them depend on freelancers for services such as content and digital marketing. Tapping into this pool of requirements from companies that are small and local to as big as Amazon can be highly rewarding. In April 2017, Amazon sent out a circular inviting freelancers to apply for positions where they could work from home while keeping your original job. Now, how good is that?
  • Job Satisfaction – A lot of professional writers who work in agencies and publishing companies do not think that they are achieving nirvana with their jobs. Of course they are contributing to the company’s success and helping their clients achieve more, but their personal meter is just not ticking. According to a recent survey that asked freelancers around the world questions related to job satisfaction, most of them replied that they were happier working as a freelancer than being an employee in a company. The major reasons quoted were:
    • Better flow of money
    • Flexibility
    • Ability to exercise creativity
    • Work-life balance
    • Independence
    • Liberty to take risks
  • Variety – This is a no-brainer. Because when you are freelancing, you can write for a diverse set of clients who are based in countries far away from you. For example, a freelance writer from London can have clients from the US, India, Russia, Israel, Japan, etc. and still deliver high-quality work. This enables you to understand different requirements from different clients which can be affected by their geographical locations. Diverse clients is just one part of the deal; the other part is the diverse set of requirements. If you are good at grammar and analytical writing, you can also provide college paper writing service to school and college students

So, there you have it – the top five benefits of freelance writing when money is your driving force. We hope that this short list will help you find the inspiration to finally take the freelance route. It does not matter if you are a beginner; all that matters is the motivation to experiment, and looking at these reports and millions of success stories, it looks like this is the right time.

Samantha studies Education in college and practice tutoring in her free time. As a hobby she climbs and writes for writing service WriteMyPaper.Today, where her articles gains popularity with a smashing speed due to quality.

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