Trade Show: 5 Questions To Ask Before Setting Up

The pros of a trade show are evident. From greater exposure to higher lead generation, it’s a savvy way to build a brand. However, letting the pros get in the way of the cons is a rookie error. A trade might be a good idea and it might not – there is only one way to tell.

These are the questions you need to answer before setting up shop.

  1.    “Why Are We Doing It?”

Simply doing it because it sounds like a good idea isn’t a motive. The same goes for copying the competition. A business should focus on itself first before worrying about anyone else. So, are you looking to launch your brand and distribute more products? Or, are you trying to build relationships within the community and industry? Whatever the motive, make sure everyone understands it loud and clear.

  1.    “How Much Should I Spend?”

How long is a piece of string is not a helpful answer. First of all, it’s a lazy and annoying way to avoid the question. Secondly, the business needs specifics regarding the numbers. One reason not to take part is that of the expense. A trade show booth which is too costly might harm your bottom line. The trick is to come up with a detailed budget which covers all the costs and more. If the figures seem too high, either cut the costs or go down a different route.

  1.    “Should I Go It Alone?”

Not to be dismissive, but the answer is no. Yes, there are lots of things you can take care of alone. As long as you have a list, you might not miss anything important. But, it only adds more responsibility, and that brings extra hassle. When Open Exhibitions points out that a custom stand is unique, creative and cost-effective, using one is a no-brainer. Not only do you get a high-quality stand, but you also get to tap into their experience and knowledge base.

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  1.    “Is Geography Important?”

Yes, at a trade show, your location is a big deal. However, it’s also worth noting that there are ways to level the playing field. Securing a prime spot costs money, and you might not have the budget to compete. InQuicker says not to worry about going overboard at the event but to focus on the after party. Connecting with leads after the event is a great way to make a connection and a conversion. Even if you don’t have lots, you can turn them into quality leads with a little bit of perseverance.

  1.    “Have I Done My Social Media Due Diligence?”

Facebook, Twitter et al. are essential because they keep people informed. By tweeting or posting on the firm’s wall, your customers can keep up with your activities. Even better, social media might convince them to come down to the event and take a look. Posting links to articles about the pros of events for non-specialists might twist their arm. Also, don’t be afraid to self-promote and tell people why they should see the booth. Do you have a competition? What about a secret prize giveaway?

Trade shows are helpful, but only if the benefits apply to the company.

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