Use Twitter to Find a Job

Did you know you can use Twitter to find a job now? Thousands of job postings are entering the twittersphere, if you know where to look and who to follow.

If you haven’t discovered it yet, there is a great service that specializes on this channel – it’s called and it’s free to join. Job postings are streamed onto their Twitter feed. I think it’s a cool application of the technology.

There is a downside. In this sense, Twitter’s strength is its weakness; job postingd must fall within the 140 character limit. As Peter Gold says on his blog Hire Strategies:

I did a quick search on a big job board for a few jobs and still find that the job advert content is as dull as ever. I’m not sure if the job boards should limit the amount of characters similar to the way Twitter does so that content would need to be VERY focused on the key message. Or are job adverts never going to change?

Because this limit means that less information is shared, you (perhaps) have to drill into many postings before you find something of interest. is a good intermediate application as links go through to their site to give you the extra detail. They also provide an RSS feed, if that’s your bag.

You could also try the JobGuerrilla Job Search site which gives you job vacancies in your local area, as well as nationwide – and that’s true for the US, Canada, UK and Germany.

Have You Found a Job Using Twitter?

Share your success story and tell us how you discovered your job using this emerging channel – provide encouragement to others!

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2 thoughts on “Use Twitter to Find a Job”

  1. I found a small freelance gig on Twitter using JobShouts actually. That was only 3 weeks ago. I am going to use it more.

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