Who Said that the Top Jobs Weren’t Advertised on Job Sites?

Well, actually, I did. But the world of jobhunting and recruitment is changing which ultimately gives us more choice. Let me show you what I mean…

I launched a product called JobGuerrilla last year to help jobhunters take control of their jobhunting campaign – as I believe that the best job you can indivually find is one you find yourself and even help create. I still believe that this is true. However, if you have looked on any quality job site lately, you might have noticed a growing number of highly paid, senior or even C-level (CIO, COO, CEO, etc) jobs posted there. This is a marked change from the recession days of 2009.

Don’t believe me? Enter ‘President’, ‘CIO’ or ‘COO’ into the job search box at the top of this page and see for yourself!

More and more senior roles are being advertised on job sites now, which is evidence that the economy can withstand new growth in the job market.

Your Regular Scan

Since last year, I have regularly scanned job sites to identify changes in the kind of roles being advertised. I like to do this not just because it helps me share information like this with you, but it also (selfishly) helps me identify any new jobs that might be suitable for me. Do you do this? Well if not, I thoroughly recommend you to regularly scan the job market, perhaps once a week or so. This will keep you in touch with the changes in the job market and it also helps you identify growth in certain industries or regions. And it takes only a few minutes too.

I added the job search box at the top of this page just for that reason. When you come back to my blog to check out an article, why not check what jobs are being advertised whilst you’re here?

Still, Personal Control is Best.

Although the shape of job postings is improving, I still believe there is nothing better than to take control myself. Jobs posted on these sites have still been through at least one phase of recruiting from the ‘hidden job market‘ – so they’re only there because they couldn’t be filled by guerrilla job hunters who are offered them first. I prefer to be one of these people. Do you?

The JobGuerrilla method shows you how to become one of these people who take control of their jobhunting campaign and develop job opportunities before they are advertised. This is becoming the new model for jobhunting. The great thing is, you can trial this new method for 60 days and if it doesn’t work for you for whatever reason, you can ask for your money back!

So I will sign off by saying Good Luck if you’re beginning your job search. The good news is, the outlook is improving. Use job sites to search for the roles you deserve, but if you want to find the very best jobs before they’re advertised, then try the JobGuerrilla method risk-free.


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