As with any lifestyle change, it is important to consider whether the ketogenic lifestyle is right for you. There are many potential benefits associated with following a ketogenic diet, including weight loss and improved mental clarity and energy levels; however, there are some people who should not live the ketogenic lifestyle. In this article, I will discuss who shouldn’t live the ketogenic lifestyle and provide case examples of why.
The most important thing to keep in mind when considering a new diet or lifestyle is that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work as well for another. It is always best to consult your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet or lifestyle. With that being said, here are four groups of people who should avoid living a ketogenic lifestyle

People with certain medical conditions
The ketogenic diet can be helpful for certain medical conditions such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease; however, it can also be dangerous if you have certain other medical conditions such as kidney or liver disease, diabetes, pancreatitis or heart failure. If you have any type of pre-existing condition, it is best to talk to your doctor before starting a ketogenic diet.
Case example: A woman with type 2 diabetes was advised by her doctor not to go on a ketogenic diet due to the fact that she would likely need more carbohydrates than what the diet allows in order to properly regulate her blood sugar levels.
Pregnant/breastfeeding women
The safety of following a keto diet while pregnant or breastfeeding has not been established and therefore pregnant/breastfeeding women should avoid this type of eating plan in order to ensure their health and the health of their baby.
Case example: A woman who was expecting had heard about the potential weight loss benefits associated with going on a keto-diet but upon consulting her doctor was advised against going on such an extreme eating plan due to its unknown effects during pregnancy.
Following a strict low carb high fat (LCHF) eating plan like the Ketogenic Diet can be very challenging for children and adolescents whose bodies are still developing as they need more nutrients than adults do in order to grow properly. Additionally, research suggests that children may become deficient in vitamins B6 and B12 if placed on such an extreme eating plan at too young an age so it is best avoided unless recommended by your child’s pediatrician or physician.
Case example: A teenage girl wanted to try out the Ketogenic Diet in order lose some extra weight quickly but upon consulting her family doctor was advised against going on such an extreme eating plan at her age due its potential negative side effects on her body while it is still developing into adulthood.
Disordered eaters
Those who suffer from disordered eating behaviors such as binge-eating disorder (BED), bulimia nervosa (BN), orthorexia nervosa (ON), etc., should avoid following a restrictive diet like the Ketogenic Diet because it could potentially trigger further disordered eating behaviors due its restriction of certain food groups which could lead those suffering from these disorders feeling deprived or guilty about what they eat which could worsen their symptoms over time .
Case example: A man suffering from binge-eating disorder was interested in trying out the Keto Diet because he thought it would help him control his cravings better but upon talking with his therapist he decided that following such an extreme restrictive diet would actually make his symptoms worse so he chose instead follow healthy balanced meal plans prescribed by his nutritionist instead which allowed him more freedom when choosing foods without putting himself at risk for triggering further disordered thoughts around food consumption.
As mentioned earlier, everyone has different needs and requirements when it comes nutrition so ultimately only you can decide whether living a Ketogenic Lifestyle is right for you – but hopefully this article has provided some insight into who should avoid living this way so that you can make an informed decision based on your individual needs and circumstances!