Performance appraisals are an important part of any business, as they provide a formal method for assessing employees’ progress. A performance appraisal should start the day after a Performance Review, as this ensures that there is no time for complacency and that staff remain focused on achieving their goals. In this article, I will discuss why a performance appraisal starts the day after the previous one and use case examples to illustrate how it works in practice.
Beginning a new performance appraisal immediately after the previous one ends (after the event of the Performance Review) can be beneficial to both employers and employees in several ways. Firstly, it provides a sense of continuity within an organisation; employees know that they are being closely monitored and their work is being assessed over time rather than at random points throughout the year. This helps to ensure that all staff members stay on track with their goals and remain motivated throughout the entire year. Additionally, continuous performance appraisal gives employers more control over the process; they can review results quickly and make changes or adjustments if necessary without having to wait for months for another assessment period to begin.
The start of a new performance appraisal also serves as an opportunity for employees to reflect on their progress since the last assessment period began. It allows them to assess what worked well during this time and what could have been done differently or better so that they can improve going forward. Employees may also use this time to set ambitious yet achievable targets for themselves so that they strive towards greatness each day – something which would not be possible if assessments were spread too far apart over long periods of time such as six months or even a year.

To understand why it is beneficial for performance appraisals to be a continuous process, let us look at two case examples. The first example involves Sarah who works in customer service at an online retail store. Her manager periodically reviews her work every three months using key metrics such as customer satisfaction ratings, sales figures and overall productivity levels. However, Sarah knows that she must always strive towards excellence regardless of when her next review is due because her manager assesses her work daily using these same metrics; she understands that each day brings with it its own challenges which must be met if she wants to do well overall in her role in the long term.
In contrast, John works in sales at a large manufacturing firm where his team only receives quarterly assessments from their manager which take into account various aspects such as sales figures, customer feedback and team morale levels amongst other things. As John’s team does not receive assessment reports every single day like Sarah’s does, he understands that he needs to focus on making improvements each day rather than waiting until his next quarterly review comes around before taking action; this ensures that he stays motivated throughout each quarter by setting himself achievable goals which will help him reach success faster than if he waited until his next assessment period commenced before taking action on any changes needed within his team’s processes or workflow systems etcetera..
It is clear from these two examples why continuous performance appraisal is incredibly important; it helps motivate employees by providing them with immediate feedback on how well they are performing while enabling employers to keep track of employee progress more easily without having too much downtime between reviews – ensuring greater efficiency within organisations overall!
In conclusion, continuous performance appraisal has many advantages both for employer and employee alike – from keeping staff motivated by providing ongoing feedback on their progress through setting achievable targets designed specifically around individual skillsets (as demonstrated by our two case study examples). Furthermore, beginning appraisals straight after the Performance Review ensures greater efficiency within organisations due to less downtime between reviews – allowing employers greater control over employee development plans while helping them achieve better results quicker!