8 Tips on How to De-Stress From Your Job in the Medical Field

Roughly 44 percent of physicians experience burn out. More astonishing, 15 percent are depressed and thinking about suicide.

The extreme stress which many people in medical and healthcare professions encounter is very worrying. The people who are supposed to keep us healthy and fit are struggling with the stresses and strains of the workplace.

Are you working in the medical field and struggling with coping with stress? Check out our tips on how to destress below.

What are the Causes of Stress in the Medical Field?

Before we can say what to do to de-stress, we need to consider why people in the medical professions are especially stressed and burnt out.

There are numerous factors which could contribute to the problem of job-related stress for physicians and other practitioners in healthcare.

1. Long Hours

The majority of physicians work around 40 to 60-hour weeks. However, over 25 percent of work more than 60 hours per week.

The many hours of physicians and medical professions work is not the only challenge. The requirement to work during the nights and weekends makes it especially stressful. You can research online about healthcare jobs that are more flexible, there are agencies that are helping locum tenens workers find jobs quicker; these jobs offer more flexibility that a traditional healthcare job.

2. Understaffing

The healthcare service is always under demand from patients. While some hospitals and medical facilities are understaffed.

This places a lot of pressure on the physicians who are constantly putting out the fire without any support.

3. Bureaucracy

Over half of physicians report “too many bureaucratic tasks” is a key factor is burn out and stress in the medical profession.

Instead of being allowed to do what they’re trained to do, they’re too often required to undertake administrative tasks.

Tips on How to Destress?

As a student of medicine, you can learn more about how to pursue a healthy career in the medical profession. Check out Ultimate Medical Academy.

Ready for some tips on how to destress? Check it out below!

1. Physical Activity and Exercise

It’s never easy doing exercise and physical activity when you’ve been on your feet all day at work. However, establishing a regular workout routine can significantly relieve the symptoms of stress.

2. Laughter and Humor

Remember the old wisdom “laughter is the best medicine.” Maybe, it’s not actually nonsense. Humor and laughter are particularly important in the medical profession.

When you laugh you stimulate your heart and lungs. It can help to soothe and relax you during challenges moments. You definitely improve your mood when you have a giggle.

That’s why you need to tell each other jokes and make each other laugh with hilarious stories. This will keep you sane!

3. Life Beyond Work

The long hours of physicians can make it difficult to have time beyond work. However, it’s important to pursue hobbies and interests to relieve stress.

You may just want to return home after work to relax in front of the television. And yet, it’s especially important to make the most of the opportunity to explore your creative side.

Many people find cooking is the ultimate stress reliever or playing a sport outdoors can always help.

4. Spend Time with Friends and Family

Your support network can come in handy when you’ve got to recover from a stressful day in the hospital.

Do you have a best friend? Simply spending time together can decrease the levels of stress hormones in your brain, according to a study.

Family can also be a refuge for an intense time in the workplace. Make sure you spend quality time with your partner and children to reduce stress.

5. Better Sleep

In one study, the average time a physician sleeps per night is 6.5 hours. That’s not enough to function at peak performance.

Moreover, we also know that lack of sleep can be an important cause of stress at work. Medical professionals need to make sure they’re going to bed early to get enough sleep.

6. Eat a Healthy Diet

When you’re working a busy shift in the hospital, your diet can be the first thing which is comprised. Lack of time and poor catering facilities can cause physicians and other medical professionals to skip meals to work.

We know that poor diet can cause higher stress. Especially, if when there is time for food, snacks and convenience food are preferred.

You need to make sure you’re getting the right nutrition, such as fruits and vegetables. Omega-3 fish has also been linked with stress relieving attributes. So, pack yourself a tuna sandwich for a quick lunch.

7. Skip Unhealthy Habits

The rate of smoking among physicians and other healthcare professionals is significantly lower than the average.

Smoking and other unhealthy habits, such as alcohol and caffeine consumption contribute to stress. Coffee and alcohol may appear to offer short-term stress relief.

Even so, the long-term benefits of avoiding such unhealthy habits are significant for physicians.

8. Regularly Meditate

Did you know that more than 8 percent of US adults use meditation?

There are numerous health benefits of meditation. Short meditation breaks throughout the working day can significantly contribute to relieving stress for medical workers.

Is meditation not your thing? You can also practice yoga or walking in the woods to enjoy similar benefits and live stress-free.

How to Fix Burnout for Physicians and Medical Professionals?

Whether you’re a student of medicine or senior physician with a demanding job, stress can be a dangerous feature of modern working life.

Now you know how to destress in the workplace. With our helpful tips for relieving stress, you can make sure you can stay healthy enough to care for your patients.

If you want to read more blog posts like this one, check out our blog post on errors in surgery here.

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