Can You Combine Online and Offline Marketing?

There has always been competition in business; it keeps the wheels of commerce turning. Without competition, fewer consumers would enjoy the products that could make their lives more convenient, safe, or exciting because there would be limited supplies and the costs would be astronomical. Fewer businesses, too, would survive.

While getting signage in the Philippines is relatively easy, it’s only one of the many ways you can focus public attention to your business. The rule of seven states that a consumer must see your business or your offer at least seven times before they can become your customer. Today, seven might not even be enough. For your business to thrive, it needs to capture more attention.

The Changing Consumer

The market is more open now that the Internet has provided consumers a new way to engage with brands and businesses and procure the product they need or think they need. You don’t even have to leave the comforts of your home to get a new toy for your kids, groceries, clothing, and more. You can buy a ticket for just about anything, from concerts to flights, online. While this doesn’t mean that your brick-and-mortar business should go completely online, you have to compete even harder for your prospective customers’ attention.

Combining Online and Offline Efforts

Small business owners these days can use one social media app and still be able to succeed. You have to browse your Instagram feed to know this is true. But it isn’t just the small businesses that thrive; it’s also the biggest and most established brands in the world that use social media to connect with more people. Brands like Nike, Ford, and many others are advertising on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and more. Of course, you’ll also find plenty of ads for tech companies like Google and Apple, companies that are primarily responsible for the online boom.

This means you also need to tap that resource. Build a following on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to enjoy more exposure. The best part is it’s free to make a page or an account on social media. It’s also a good idea to consider search engine optimization and related activities to make sure that your offers are “served” more often by online algorithms to your target audience.

That being said, you can’t forget about the more traditional ways to expose your offers to the public. Billboards, posters, and signages are some of your best options. Advertisements are exposed to walking as well as driving traffic, people who cannot safely use a mobile device at the moment. Signages do the same, and they direct people to your location.

If your target demographic is a bit older and more monied and educated, you can also advertise on the pages of popular broadsheets and magazines. And don’t forget radio advertising; millions of people take the bus, and radio stations are constant companions on such journeys. The same is true for other public transport as well as many private cars.

These are exciting times for marketing and entrepreneurship. The market is more open than it ever was. But don’t get lost in the fray; play your cards right, and you’ll be exposing your brand a lot more than seven times to your potential customers.

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