Working from Home? Things to do to break the monotony

When you’re stuck in the same place, day in, day out, having ‘other things to do’ can certainly break the boredom. Here are some ideas for you.

Transform your garden spaces

The seasons are changing so now is a perfect opportunity to sort out your garden and get it into shape. You should start by getting rid of the annoying weeds and mowing your lawn, but then what are you going to do with it? Starting with this blank canvas, you can now imagine what your garden would look like with, say, new decking, or a garden office or some other form of garden rooms, or maybe even a new patio to have a BBQ? Especially if you are stuck at home with your family – you have a ready-baked garden workforce that you can put to work! You will easily find a job for everyone, from potting plants to heaving around heavy boulders. But if it’s just you on your lonesome there are still plenty of jobs you can crack on with, even with just one pair of hands (laying turf, pruning, etc)

Spend some time getting your website and SEO into good shape

Rarely do small business owners have the time like this to focus on creating content for their website. Or investing time on their SEO for their website (which is why they tend to use a PPC Consultant such as Toni Marino). Why now? Toni says that ‘now is the time to focus on activities such as content-building SEO. Your consumers are switching to buying online, more than ever, so whilst the shop door is closed, you’ll want to give your business the best chance of being the one they turn to’. Sure, it does take time to invest in when you’re starting from scratch alone, but there are lots of great resources on the web (google it!) to guide you.

Got a pile of books you haven’t read yet?

Are there books you have always wanted to read, but never had the time? Now is the right time to pick up those books and make a start, right? You have more time on your hands, so why shouldn’t you pick up at least one up and start turning the pages? But if you don’t have a list then don’t worry – there are more books available than you could possibly imagine – any length, any subject, so why not look for something new? It really doesn’t have to be a long book. One really cool idea is taking a look at Amazon Kindle Unlimited where you will find many books to read, all within a single inexpensive monthly payment.

How about hosting your own bake-off?

Why not have some fun? Baking is one of those things that most people don’t bother with because we can get great baked goods conveniently for very little money. So why bother? But now we are stuck at home, it’s something we might want to try, especially if we can have some competitive fun with our friends. If you have never made home-made cookies, you don’t know what you are missing. With social media tools like Instagram, you could easily create a bake-off competition between your group of friends, each of them stuck in their own home too! Use a voting system or allocate an impartial person as a judge. Repeat once a week. Guess what, you will ALL be better bakers at the end of your incarcaration!

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