8 Jobs that are Destined to Disappear in the Next Five Years

As the world continues to become increasingly automated and technology-driven, more and more jobs are starting to fade away. While some of these are necessary roles such as factory workers or craft workers, there are also a number of jobs that are destined to disappear in the near future. These positions may have been created out of convenience or necessity at one point but with the advancement of technology, their importance is dwindling. In this article I’ll be exploring 10 jobs that are on their way out. If you’re in one of these jobs, then act early and prepare! I’ll conclude this post with some tips on how to do just that.

1. Telephone Operator

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The role of a telephone operator has been around for decades but as landlines become less popular and mobile phones become ubiquitous, this job is quickly becoming obsolete. With automated call routing systems now available, companies no longer need an actual human being to direct calls; making this job totally unnecessary in many cases.

2. Travel Agent

Over the past decade or so, the internet has made it easier than ever before to book travel online independently and without assistance from a travel agent. This means that those who previously worked as agents find themselves suddenly out of a job as their services become less and less necessary in today’s tech-driven society.

3. Typist

In years gone by when computers weren’t widely used, typists were essential for getting documents typed up quickly and accurately – but now that nearly everyone uses word processors software instead they’re becoming increasingly irrelevant. As companies move towards cloud-based document management solutions typists will soon find themselves having to look elsewhere for employment opportunities.

4. Postal Workers

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As ecommerce grows in popularity more people are turning to digital delivery services such as email or text message instead of traditional postal mail – making postal workers increasingly redundant over time as businesses switch over to electronic methods of communication instead .

5. Switchboard Operators

With automated voice response systems now available which can answer customer enquiries 24/7 without needing any human input whatsoever, this job has quickly become obsolete within many organisations who can no longer justify paying staff members just to sit at a switchboard all day long doing nothing but answering calls from customers who may never even speak directly with another person anyway.

6. Bank Tellers

Banks are rapidly moving towards digital banking methods where customers can access their accounts online via their smartphones or laptops – meaning that tellers whose sole purpose was once assisting customers with deposits/withdrawals etcetera may soon find themselves out of work altogether if they don’t possess other skillsets which could be utilised within the organisation too. The Covid Pandemic accelerated the digital, cashless economy, making the future of the Bank Teller role even more in doubt.

7. Retail Cashiers

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With self-checkout machines now being installed in stores across the country, retail cashiers once again find themselves on shaky ground when it comes to employment security – not only do these machines reduce costs for store owners by eliminating labour costs associated with having multiple people working behind registers all day long (and paying them wages too!) but they also speed up queues drastically meaning customers can get through checkout quicker without waiting around too long either! .

8. Delivery Drivers

With drones now able to deliver packages faster than ever before (not only domestically but internationally too) many large companies such as Amazon have begun using them extensively as part of their distribution network which eliminates the need for actual human beings driving vans full of parcels around every day – saving money on fuel costs along with reducing congestion on roads during peak times too.

How to Prepare for the Future

Here are some tips to help you get ready for potential job loss:

  • Take Stock of Your Skills & Qualifications: Start by taking an inventory of your current skills and qualifications. Make a list of everything you have that could help you find a new job, such as certifications, education, experience and any special talents or abilities you may have. This will help you gain clarity on what type of job you should be looking for and how to go about finding it.
  • Develop New Skills & Qualifications: Once you’ve taken stock of your current skills and qualifications, start thinking about what new skills or qualifications can give you an edge in the job market over others with similar credentials. Consider taking classes or online courses to learn new skills or pursue certifications that can give you an advantage when applying for new jobs.
  • Networking Is Key: Networking is one of the most important steps for anyone looking for a new job or career change. Start building relationships with people who work in your field or industry so that they can tell you about potential openings before they are posted publicly. You can also use networking to find mentors who can provide advice and support during your search for a new job.
  • Stay Up-to-Date On Job Trends & Opportunities: It’s important to stay informed about changes happening in your industry so that you know how best to position yourself in the job market and which opportunities might be available once your current role no longer exists in five years’ time. Read industry publications and attend events related to your field so that you’re up-to-date on job trends and opportunities within it.
  • Have an Emergency Plan & Savings Fund Ready To Go In Case Of Job Loss: Unexpected things happen all the time, including unexpected job loss, so it’s important to have both an emergency plan in place as well as savings set aside just in case something happens to your current role before five years have passed – this way, if needed, you won’t be left completely stranded while searching for a new job or career path!

Preparing for potential job loss now can help make sure that if and when it happens within the next five years, you won’t be caught off guard and scrambling for solutions without any sort of backup plan or safety net in place – instead, you will be well positioned with a clear plan of action ready to go!

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