Concentrating Your Efforts: 10 Aspects of a Small Business You Should Consider Outsourcing

Outsourcing is an amazingly common function in American business. Many experts believe that outsourcing is even overused.

The fact remains that, in the right situations, outsourcing can make a world of difference in business operations since it allows many owners and managers the time and energy to concentrate on tasks that require their attention and expertise. Fortunately, many businesses specializing in taking up the outsourcing slack, including everything from human resources to accounting and tax services for small business. Here are ten aspects of a small business you should consider outsourcing.


Building a successful business means a lot of hard work. As a result, owners and managers should do everything they can to protect it. Outsourcing security functions can be an excellent idea since it’s not even in the ballpark of what most businesseses do.

Online Marketing

There is probably nobody who knows your business as well as you. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should be the only one who promotes it. Online marketing usually requires a professional touch to work effectively. Online marketing done right can be highly effective.

Accounting and Tax

If you can’t afford (or don’t want to) hire an accounting expert to track your records and taxes, outsourcing the job could be very advantageous. Accounting mistakes can be very costly, and hiring someone who is a professional could give you insights that only an expert could give.


Anyone who knows anything about payroll knows that it involves much more than just counting hours and calculating payouts. Further, an error can trigger tax audits most businesses are not prepared to defend themselves against, much less afford the fines and penalties.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is just a fancy buzzword for selling a business and its services without being too “salesy.” This is a highly specialized area that is too often available from private agencies that do it very well and are very affordable.

Customer Service

Making sure your existing customers are being provided for should be a primary role in any business. Regardless, it’s unnecessary to dedicate a large part of a business’s facility to this mission. Many services will redirect calls, but others provide for the entire customer service function.

Human Resources

Your clients aren’t the only group that needs to be taken proper care of. Employees are also essential. They are your most important asset. Many experts believe HR should always be kept in-house, but many also say that an external department can stay objective as duties are carried out.


Many customers want their products delivered ASAP. A private delivery firm can help you satisfy your customers while giving you the ability to get it off your mind. Just make sure the delivery firm is reliable and projects the image of your company you want.


Information technology is another area where expertise not only reigns supreme, but it can also cost a lot of money to keep in-house. Hiring a specialized firm can save a business thousands of dollars in fees while not having to buy lots of expensive equipment.

Secretarial and Administrative

Outsourcing relatively common skills like secretarial and administrative functions can save a firm considerable amounts of money. Not only that, but a staff person will also cost a firm for taxes, time off, and more.Outsourcing can positively influence a business, but only if the right firm is selected to take over the tasks. Doing it right can save money and ensure success.

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