How I Lost 45lbs: A Holistic Approach Towards Health Transformation

Before the weight loss, I was a sedentary early-middle-aged individual who ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. It was only after a routine medical check-up revealed alarming health indicators that I finally woke up to the fact that I needed to change. Thus, I embarked on a transformative journey, one that involved redefining my relationship with food and activity. It was no easy task, but my perseverance eventually paid off—I lost 45 pounds. This achievement didn’t just emerge from the rigorous Keto diet or intermittent fasting regime that I adopted. It was also about the integral role of exercise (particularly walking) that helped in the depletion of my glycogen stores, leading to the catalysis of weight loss.

Starting with the Keto Diet

When I first researched weight loss techniques, the Ketogenic diet was a buzzword that popped up everywhere. Its promise was appealing—eat fats to lose fats. However, I had to understand the science behind it. The Keto diet works by forcing your body into a state of ketosis, wherein it burns fats instead of carbohydrates for energy. It requires a low-carb, moderate-protein, and high-fat dietary intake, fundamentally altering your body’s fuel source.

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For me, adapting to the Keto diet was challenging. I had to bid goodbye to my beloved bread, pasta, and other carb-heavy foods, replacing them with foods like avocado, nuts, and meat. I began cooking with oils like olive and coconut, enriching my meals with healthy fats. The transition was rough, with the initial ‘Keto flu’ hitting me hard, but my body gradually adjusted. As a result, I began to lose weight, my energy levels improved, and my cravings for junk food surprisingly diminished.

Complementing with Intermittent Fasting

While the Keto diet was instrumental in my weight loss journey, it was intermittent fasting that provided the additional push. It involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. The most common method, 16/8, involves fasting every day for 16 hours and restricting your daily eating window to 8 hours.

By aligning with my body’s circadian rhythm, this approach helped me manage my calorie intake more effectively. The hunger pangs were quite testing initially, but they subsided as my body adapted to the new regime. Intermittent fasting, coupled with the Keto diet, accelerated my weight loss, and brought about significant improvements in my overall health.

Walking for Glycogen Depletion

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The diet plan was only one piece of the puzzle; exercise was the other. But, contrary to popular belief, I used exercise—not as a primary tool for weight loss—but to aid the process. Particularly, I turned to walking to deplete my glycogen stores.

Glycogen, stored in our muscles and liver, is our body’s quick source of energy. It’s primarily made from carbohydrates. Therefore, when you combine a low-carb diet with exercise, your body turns to fat stores for fuel after glycogen is depleted, further promoting weight loss.

Walking is a low-impact, sustainable activity that I could incorporate into my daily routine. While it might not burn as many calories as a high-intensity workout, it certainly helped in depleting my glycogen stores, which in turn, prompted my body to burn more fat.

I began by walking short distances, gradually increasing the duration and intensity over time. I now walk 20,000 steps per day almost every day. Walking served as a great stress-reliever and gave me an opportunity to appreciate nature, making the journey enjoyable. Over time, this routine helped me sustain the state of ketosis achieved through the Keto diet, optimizing my fat-burning process.

Concluding Thoughts

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My journey to lose 45 pounds was far from easy. There were moments of weakness, times when I wanted to give up, but the determination to improve my health prevailed. The Keto diet, intermittent fasting, and the incorporation of regular walking into my routine were the three key pillars of my weight loss journey.

While each one played a crucial role, it’s important to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. Everyone’s body responds differently, and what worked for me might not work for someone else. However, the lessons I learned—discipline, determination, and patience—hold universal relevance. They taught me that transforming one’s health is not merely about losing weight; it’s about cultivating a lifestyle that promotes wellbeing and longevity. I hope my journey inspires others to embark on their own paths to healthier lives.

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